Members Guide

Information For New Members





 Arrive at ground about half an hour before time of start, identify changing rooms and change into match gear. Don't wear bowls shoes on the street.


 Bowls (aka woods) -  don't buy until you know the game is for you and you have tried different sizes to see what's comfortable. The club has various sets, and it's always worth asking other members for advice. Sets are often available for purchase from other members, at other clubs, eBay as well as dedicated sports shops. Prices can start from as little as £15-£20.


The Set Up

 In 'Rink' play teams consist of 4 players, 2 bowls each,  whose roles are: 


In 'Triples' the role of #2 is removed and each player has 3 bowls.


If a bowl touches the jack before it stops it is chalked to identify it and remains 'live' even if it goes to the rear ditch. Any others that go in the ditch are removed as are bowls that leave the sides of the rink.



 Mid Devon League - Four rinks of four players are needed. Games are played over 21 ends. Sheets displayed on board.


To play you register your availability on sheets on the board from which the Captains choose the players and their rink positions. If selected it is imperative that you acknowledge your own selection with a tick so the Captain is aware.


Club Competitions

 These are open to all members, names to be offered on forms on board. The Competition Secretary will do a random draw and post matches on board.


For more information, advice and guidance, please email us at